1210 SG/SM Grande manoscritto medievale capoversi a colori di Petrus Lombardus a Parigi




Very rare and large medieval manuscript on vellum, single leaf of nearly 800 years!
(Latin handwriting on vellum, Paris / France, 1210-1220) Peter Lombard, the Great Gloss on the Pauline Epistles, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum Size of entire leaf appr.: 35,1 X 24,4 cm written space appr.: 24,5 x 15,0 cm, double column.
The text is written in dark brown ink in 2 sizes of a handsome gothic bookhand, ruled in plummet
for gloss 55 lines (beginning above top line) with biblical leminata on the same ruled grid on altemate lines in blocks on the left-hand side of each column beginning below top line, lemmata in gloss underlined in red, several nice Initials in red and blue colors. _This is a professionally written French manuscript of one of the greatest university texts, and was doubtless made in Paris in the early thirteenth century. This leaf shows a part of the Gloss on Saint Paul at its most primitive. Here we see its final and most sophisticated manifestation. The text had been revised first by Gilbert de la Porrée (d.1154), of Poitiers, in the so-called Media Glossatura, and then it was entirely re-ordered and expanded by Peter Lombard (d.1160), master in the earliest schools of Paris. It was in this fmal version, the Magna Glossatura or Great Gloss, that the text was transmitted to the rest of the Middle Ages. Peter Lombard was bom c. 1095-1 100 in Navara in Lombardy, and educated at Rlieims, in part at the expense of Bernard of Clairvaux. He taught at Paris from 1136, and became bishop there in 1159. His Sentences became one of the best-known theological encyclopaedias of the Middle Ages. The Gloss on the Psalms and Pauline Epistles became standard components in the definitive set of glossed books of the Bible.
The Great Gloss on the Pauline Epistles went through two redactions, the first in 1139-41 and a Revision in 1155-58 (cf. M.L. Colish, Peter Lombard, I, 1994, p.29). It was first printed in Esslingen in 1473.
It was regarded from the start as the most successful attempt to meet the challenges of glossing the Pauline Epistles. The text is in two columns. Each column includes the Gloss as a continual text, Written on the ruled lines of the page, 55 lines in height. The biblical text is then fitted into this, in little blocks clinging to the lefi-hand side of each colunm, written on every second ruled line. The Gloss supplies the tructure of the page and it flows past and around the separated blocks of text.The text is printed in Migne, Patrologia Latina, 191 :1297-1696. The incipits are given by Stegmüller, Repertorium, IV, 1954, nos.6654-68.
The manuscript here shows a part of the letter to the Romans.
– interesting manuscript
– as a result of the age, stained, left down strong stained
– text kept good and without damage – see the pictures
